How to Say “It Is Hot in Spanish” and Survive the Heatwave


Are you planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country during the scorching summer months? It’s essential to know how to express yourself in the local language, especially when it comes to discussing the weather. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various ways to say “It is hot in Spanish,” enabling you to navigate through blistering temperatures while impressing the locals with your linguistic skills. From basic phrases to regional idioms, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and learn how to stay cool when it’s sizzling!

Why Learn to Talk about the Weather?

When traveling to a foreign country, knowing how to talk about the weather can be incredibly useful. Weather-related conversations are a great icebreaker and can lead to meaningful interactions with locals. Additionally, discussing the temperature allows you to adapt your plans accordingly, whether it’s seeking indoor activities during a heatwave or planning outdoor adventures during milder weather.

Basic Phrases for Describing Hot Weather

Common Expressions

To start off, let’s explore some basic phrases you can use to talk about the heat in Spanish. These expressions will come in handy in various situations:

  1. ¡Hace calor! (It is hot!)
  2. Está haciendo mucho calor. (It is very hot.)
  3. Está caluroso. (It is warm/hot.)

Polite Ways to Say “It Is Hot”

If you want to sound a bit more polite or formal, you can use these phrases:

  1. Hace bastante calor. (It’s quite hot.)
  2. El calor es sofocante. (The heat is suffocating.)
  3. El clima es abrasador. (The weather is scorching.)

Describing the Intensity of the Heat

When you want to emphasize just how hot it is, these phrases can help you convey the intensity of the heat:

  1. Hace un calor de morirse. (It’s unbearably hot.)
  2. El calor está insoportable. (The heat is unbearable.)
  3. Hace un calor infernal. (It’s infernally hot.)

Regional Idioms for Extreme Heat

Spain: ¡Hace un calor que pela!

In Spain, when the heat becomes unbearable, locals use the idiom “¡Hace un calor que pela!” which translates to “It’s a heat that peels!” This vivid expression reflects the scorching temperatures often experienced in the Iberian Peninsula.

Mexico: ¡Hace un calorón!

In Mexico, they have their own way of expressing extreme heat with the idiom “¡Hace un calorón!” This colloquial phrase conveys the idea of intense, sweltering heat, making it clear that the weather is scorching hot.

Argentina: ¡Hace un calor infernal!

Argentinians use the idiom “¡Hace un calor infernal!” to describe extremely hot weather. This phrase, which translates to “It’s an infernal heat,” perfectly captures the intensity and discomfort caused by the high temperatures.

Surviving the Heatwave: Useful Tips and Tricks

Dressing Appropriately

When the temperatures rise, it’s crucial to dress appropriately to stay comfortable. Here are some tips for dressing in hot weather:

  • Opt for lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton or linen.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing to allow air circulation.
  • Choose light-colored clothing to reflect sunlight.
  • Don’t forget to wear a hat and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun.

Staying Hydrated

Keeping your body hydrated is essential in hot weather. Follow these recommendations to stay cool and hydrated:

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Avoid alcoholic and sugary drinks as they can dehydrate you.
  • Consume hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables.
  • Carry a water bottle with you at all times.

Seeking Shade and Air Conditioning

To beat the heat, find shade or air-conditioned spaces whenever possible:

  • Take breaks in shaded areas or under umbrellas.
  • Visit air-conditioned buildings such as shopping malls, museums, or cinemas.
  • If your accommodation doesn’t have air conditioning, consider using fans or cold showers to cool down.

Cultural Etiquette in Hot Weather

It’s essential to be aware of cultural norms when dealing with hot weather in a Spanish-speaking country:

  • Respect local dress codes, especially when visiting religious or cultural sites.
  • Be mindful of siesta hours, as some businesses may close during the hottest part of the day.
  • Carry a small fan or handkerchief to help you stay cool discreetly.

FAQs about Discussing Hot Weather in Spanish

1. How do you say “It’s too hot to go outside” in Spanish?

To convey the idea that the heat is too intense for outdoor activities, you can say “Hace demasiado calor para salir afuera” in Spanish.

2. What are some alternative phrases for “It is scorching hot” in Spanish?

Here are a few alternative phrases to express extreme heat in Spanish:

  • Hace un calor abrasador. (It’s scorching hot.)
  • El calor es insoportable. (The heat is unbearable.)
  • Está haciendo un calor infernal. (It’s unbelievably hot.)

3. How do you ask someone if they are feeling hot in Spanish?

To ask someone if they are feeling hot, you can say “¿Tienes calor?” or “¿Sientes calor?” in Spanish.

4. Is there a specific phrase for a heatwave in Spanish?

Yes, the term for a heatwave in Spanish is “ola de calor.”

5. Are there any Spanish proverbs related to hot weather?

Indeed, there are a few Spanish proverbs related to hot weather. One example is “En julio, aguas mil” (In July, a thousand waters), which reflects the expectation of rain during the hottest month of the year.

6. Can you suggest some colloquial expressions for “It is hot” in different Spanish-speaking countries?

Certainly! Here are a few colloquial expressions for “It is hot” in different Spanish-speaking countries:

  • In Colombia: “¡Hace un calor de los mil demonios!” (It’s devilishly hot!)
  • In Venezuela: “¡Hace un calor de playa!” (It’s beach hot!)
  • In Peru: “¡Hace un sol de justicia!” (It’s a scorching sun!)


Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with various ways to say “It is hot in Spanish,” you’re well-equipped to tackle the heat while exploring Spanish-speaking countries. From basic phrases to regional idioms, you have a range of options to express yourself and engage in weather-related conversations with the locals. Remember to dress appropriately, stay hydrated, and seek shade when needed. ¡Que tengas un verano fresco! (Wishing you a cool summer!)

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